Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer is here!

Well yesterday was AJ's last day of school. He gets a week break then he goes back for summer school. He loves summer school because they go swimming every week...lol. Well in one week AJ has done so well. Today I listened to him have a psudo conversation with my mother-in-law (it was so cute...lol). He started eating popcorn this weekend. Today we went for a walk and he held Obi's collar the entire time. Most people take for granted the simple act of taking a walk with their child, but AJ did a great job. he didn't run, he didn't pull, he didn't tantrum, it was very nice and enjoyable for both of us. I think we'll try it again later today or tomorrow morning.

I am really just so proud of my baby. He's improving by leaps and bounds. Before we know it he'll be doing everything kids his age are doing and eventually go to normal school.


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