Monday, August 20, 2007

Guess who lost another tooth yesterday?

If you guessed AJ, then you are 100% My mom had him Saturday night. She said when she fed him breakfast he had the tooth but when I got there it was missing. Harold and I believe he took it out himself since my parents say they didn't do it. I told my mom that I forbid her to vacume her house until she finds the

On a good note, AJ is verbally communicating so much more now. He still stems vocally, but now there are some words in there. I felt so bad the other day. He was trying so hard to tell me something but I couldn't understand him. On a less frustrating note, he will parrot words very well. Harold has him trying to say two word combinations, but I'm focusing on the single words and associations.

His grandmother is coming to visit him next weekend for his birthday. He hasn't seen her in about a year so this is a nice treat for both of them. We decided to keep his birthday low key this year. We are having a big family dinner and cake. We are still debating if we will take him to Sesame Place the weekend after his birthday. We haven't been there in a long while and it's time to replace some of his stuffed characters. Grover has been around the block and back


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