Monday, February 18, 2008

Please help me save my sanity!!

I have patience of steel most days when it comes to AJ. But for some reason this weekend I've been on edge with him. He has been tossing tantrums left and right. Over what you ask? My lack of lollypop stock in the house.

Last night he emptied an ENTIRE can of Ajax all over my livingroom. I promptly sent him upstairs to get a bath with DH so I could clean up the powdery mess. This afternoon, what does he do? He gets the Ajax (that was on top of the refridgerator) again and proceeds to powder my chocolate room. AGAIN, I clean up, but this time I throw the practically empty can away.

My darling angelic boy fishes out the can (yes out of the trash) and proceeds to try to empty what's left all over my CHOCOLATE sofa. I had had enough, I snapped. I spanked him and sent him to his room. After 15 mins in his room I let him come back downstairs.

As I type this I was interrupted about 2 times because he was first dumping my dish washing fluid down the toilet. Then he took the bar of soap in our washroom and yup, you guessed it....he tossed it in the toilet.

Give me strength....5hrs until bedtime.

ps - 30 mins after I posted this HE WENT BACK INTO THE TRASH FOR THE EMPTY AJAX AND TRIED TO EMPTY WHATS IN THERE ON MY KITCHEN TABLE. It's now in the trash outside.

4.5 hrs until bedtime....

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